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Sunday, October 18, 2015

Oktoberfest-Downtown Chattanooga, TN

Today, I ventured downtown to our annual Oktoberfest. Took the hubby so he can drink all the German beers from the venders. I had a pretty good time. Well, except for all the people. It was pretty cold inside the pavilion too. So glad that I grabbed my sweater. Its held every year at the Chattanooga Market. I found lots of local art & handmade jewelry. Really love getting some apples,local honey, kettle corn, homemade bread & chocolate covered apples. In the pictures above were some of the biggest steins I saw. We also bought 2 steins to support a local veteran. He was really sweet. I often forget that life happens without always taken selfies.  


  1. I'm glad you both had a good time. I think the best beer festival I've ever attended wasn't an Oktoberfest, but was West Fest, a beer party in West, Texas. It was Oktoberfest in July. We had steins from there until recently when we pared down for our move back to Canada.
